Use our bots to automatically detect, analyze and report on dozens of audit points without any time or effort on your part.
Our easy-to-use app & browser extension helps you manually assess a website for dozens of audit points in minutes with a simple point and click interface.
Website Audit
User Experience
94% of people cited web design as the reason they mistrusted or rejected a website.
Professional Website Design
Does the site look professional, intuitive to use, and clearly explain what the business does?
Relevant Headlines & Page Copy
Does the site use relevant, attention-getting headlines? Does their copy effectively explain what they do, who they do it for, and why visitors should do business with them?
Mobile-Friendly Website
Is the website mobile friendly according to Google's mobile standards?
Professional Digital Branding
Does the website’s brand elements like logo, color scheme, images, fonts, and other visual elements look professional?
User Friendly Navigation
Does the site have a simplified navigation that makes it intuitive for visitors to navigate the site with ease?
Relevant Use of Images
Does the site use high-quality, relevant images?
Relevant Use of Video
Does the site use high-quality, relevant videos?
Custom 404 Page Not Found
Does the site display a user friendly 404 page that shows up when you visit a broken link or invalid URL on the site?
Conversion Optimization
97% of the visitors on a website are not interested in what is being offered to them. Companies typically spend $92 to bring customers to their site, But only $1 to convert them.
Relevant Trust Factors
Does the site use trust factors such as awards, affiliations, certifications, case studies, and guarantees to build trust and authority?
Lead Capture Forms
Does the site use intuitive forms to help them capture lead information or, at the very least, an email address from visitors who aren’t interested in calling them?
Primary Call To Action (CTA)
Does the site use effective call-to-actions that ask visitors to take a specific desired action on their site—buy, contact you, learn more, and so on?
Noticeable Phone No.
Does the website display their phone number in a prominent place—for example, in the top right corner or in the mobile header?
Newsletter Signup Form
Does the site have a newsletter signup to encourage visitors to join their email list?
Thank You Page
Does the site redirect a user to a thank you / confirmation page once they’ve submitted a form on the site?
Unique Selling Proposition (USP)
Does the site have a USP that clearly describes how their product or service solves their customer's needs or desires better than the competition?
Testimonials / Reviews
Does the site use reviews and testimonials to build trust?
Secondary Call To Actions
Does the site use secondary CTAs to help engage visitors who are not interested in their primary CTA?
Online Chat Functionality
Does the landing use a chat script for customer service, support, or sales?
Social Media Share Buttons
Does the site make their content easily shareable across different social media platforms?
SEO / Online Visibility
93% of online experiences begin with a search engine. It is the #1 driver of traffic to content sites, beating social media by more than 300%
Accessible to Search Engines
Are search engines able to access the site—or “crawl” it? Is it being indexed?
Keyword Ranking on Page #1
Does the site rank on page 1 of Google for their primary keyword?
Keyword Used in Page Title
Does the site use their primary keyword in their page meta title?
Use of Keywords in H1 Tags
Does the site use keywords in their H1 tags?
Google Business Profile (GBP)
Does the business have a Google Business Profile listing with a link back to the website?
Google Analytics / Tag Manager Tracking
Does the site use Google Analytics or Google Tag Manager?
WWW Resolve/Redirect
Does the site have a WWW Resolve configured to either force "www." before the domain name or remove it?
Website Found On Google
How does the site show up on Google's search listings?
Local Google Map Pack Listing
Does the site show up in the Local Map Pack Listing for their primary keyword?
Brand in Meta Title
Does the site have their brand or company name in their title tag?
Optimal Page Title Length
Is the title tag on the homepage configured for the optimal length and not exceeding it?
Meta Title & Descriptions
Does the site use Meta Title & Description tags?
Meta Description Length
Is the meta description tag on the homepage configured for the optimal length and not exceeding it?
Keywords in the Meta Description
Does the website use their primary keywords in their Meta Description tag?
Alt Image Attribute
Does the site use the ALT attribute on the important images referenced on the site?
Map & Address
Does the website list their address and have a Google location map on their contact us page or another page on their site?
Blog / Resource Center
Does the site use a blog, knowledgebase or resource center?
Schema Markup
Does the site use schema markup / microdata?
Sitemap.xml File
Does the site have a sitemap.xml file listing the the pages on the site that need to be found by search engines?
Open Graph Markup
When sharing a URL from the site on Facebook does it display a relevant image and title? Our automated test checks if and what Open Graph tags are added to the page.
Keywords in Image Alt Attribute
Does the site use their primary keywords in the alt attribute of the images on the site?
Sufficient Page Content
Does the site have sufficient page content about the business, products or services?
Facebook(FB) Tracking Pixel
Performance & Security
40% of people abandon a website that takes more than 3 seconds to load.
Secure Website Connection (HTTPS)
Is the site using a valid SSL and does it run on HTTPS?
Google Page Speed
How well is the landing page optimized for performance and page speed according to Google's page speed insights?
GTmetrix Page Speed
How well is the landing page optimized for performance and page speed according to GTmetrix speed scanner?
Does the site use some system for identifying if humans or bots are entering info on your website forms?
Browser Caching & Compression
Does the website utilize browser caching & compression?
Utilizes Content Delivery Network
Does the site use a content delivery network (CDN) to distribute cached web files like images to end users?
Captions / Transcripts for Audio & Video
Are captions / transcripts provided for the audio & video used on the site?
Navigation & Site Structure
Is the site navigation optimized for use by touch devices, keyboards and screen readers?
Color Contrast
Does the site use color contrast between the text and the background so it is easy to read? The most popular color combination is black text on a white background.
Text Size & Readability
Is the font size of the website content legible and easy to read?
Fields & Forms
Are the website forms created to be accessible by users with cognitive disabilities using screen readers, text to speech software etc?
Alternative (ALT) Text for Images
Does the site use the ALT attribute on the important images referenced on the site?
Descriptive Link Text
Does the site use descriptive text for their links so it is clear where links are going to and/or what the purpose of the link is vs. text like click here?
Automated Accessibility Assessment
Compelling Messaging / Calls to Action
Does the site use compelling messaging and call to actions?
Easily Readable
Is the site content easily readable?
Captivating Headlines
Does the site use captivating headlines?
Relevant Headlines
Does the site use relevant headlines across the site?
Easy to Scan
Is the site content easy to scan so users can scan it for highlights & important info?
Consistent Formatting
Is the site content formatted consistently?
Is the site free of obvious spelling errors?
No Placeholder Text / Loremipsum
Does the the site content have an placeholder content / loremipsum?
Does the site appear to have GDPR Policies and Checkboxes in place? Most sites will not comply with ALL of GDPR requirements. Use this as a talking point.
Privacy Policy
Does the site have a privacy policy?
Terms & Conditions
Does the site have Terms & Conditions?
Cookie Policy
Does the site have a cookie policy?
Website Copyright in Footer
Does the website have a copyright notice in the footer?
Is the WHOIS Privacy option enabled to protect the identity of the user / business?
Google Business Profile Audit
Google Business Profile
5% of Google Business Profile listing views result in a website click, call, or direction request.
Claimed Profile
Has the GBP profile been claimed/verified? Click on the "Own This Business" link, and if you see Request Access, it means the profile has been claimed.
Business Name
Is the business name on the profile accurate and the exact one used across the internet?
Is the address on the profile accurate and the exact one used across the internet?
Is the phone number on the profile accurate and the exact one used across the internet?
Website / URL
Is the website URL listed and accurate? Make sure it does not redirect to another URL.
Business Hours
Are the business hours listed, accurate and consistent with what is on the site or other website directories?
Business Description
Does the profile have a description? This is usually displayed under the reviews if added.
Business Category
Does the profile listed under a relevant category? This is usually displayed under the Business name and aggregated review count at the top of the profile.
Does the profile have photos that accurately represent the business product, service, or location?
Does the profile include reviews from customers?
Responses to Reviews
Has the business responded to reviews on the GBP profile? Addressing negative ones is especially important.
Does the profile use posts?
Does the profile include product listings for the business?
Does the profile include service listings for the business? You may only see the services listed on mobile devices.
Does the profile include a video that accurately represents the business product, service, or location?
Social Profiles
Does the profile include links to their social media profiles like FB, Twitter, or LinkedIn?
Questions & Answers
Does the profile include questions and answers?
On Page SEO Audit
Keyword Ranking on Page #1
Does the site rank on page 1 of Google for their primary keyword?
Accessible to Search Engines
Are search engines able to access the site—or “crawl” it? Is it being indexed?
Keyword Used in Page Title
Does the site use their primary keyword in their page meta title?
Optimal Use of Keywords in H1 Tags
Does the site use keywords in their H1 tags?
Is the site using a valid SSL and does it run on HTTPS?
Google Analytics / Tag Manager
Does the site use Google Analytics or Google Tag Manager?
Google Page Speed
How well is the site optimized for performance and page speed according to Google's page speed insights?
Mobile Friendly
Is the website mobile friendly according to Google's mobile standards?
WWW Resolve
Does the site have a WWW Resolve configured to either force "www." before the domain name or remove it?
GTmetrix Page Speed
How well is the site optimized for performance and page speed according to GTmetrix speed scanner?
No Multiple Page Title Elements Found
Custom 404 Error Page Found
Search Engines Can Index Page
Redirect Chain
Brand in Meta Title
Does the site have their brand or company name in their title tag?
Optimal Page Title Length
Is the title tag on the homepage configured for the optimal length and not exceeding it?
Meta Title & Descriptions
Does the site use Meta Title & Description tags?
Meta Description Length
Is the meta description tag on the homepage configured for the optimal length and not exceeding it?
Keywords in the Meta Description
Does the website use their primary keywords in their Meta Description tag?
Sitemap.xml File
Does the site have a sitemap.xml file listing the the pages on the site that need to be found by search engines?
Alt Attribute
Does the site use the ALT attribute on the important images referenced on the site?
Your Google Listing
How does the site show up on Google's search listings?
Schema Markup
Does the site use schema markup / microdata?
Open Graph
When sharing a URL from the site on Facebook does it display a relevant image and title? Our automated test checks if and what Open Graph tags are added to the page.
Local Map Pack Listing
Does the site show up in the Local Map Pack Listing for their primary keyword?
No Meta Refresh Found
No Time To First Byte (TTFB) Issues
No Temporary Redirects Found
URL Limited To Three Subfolders
No Long URL (< 75 characters)
Keywords in Image Alt Attribute
Does the site use their primary keywords in the alt attribute of the images on the site?
Sufficient Page Content
Does the site have sufficient page content about the business, products or services?
Avoids Too Many Links On Page ( < 100)
No Inline CSS Test
Mobile Viewport Tag
No underscores in URL
Nofollow Links Found
Emails Protected From Spam Bots
Competitor Analysis
User Experience
94% of people cited web design as the reason they mistrusted or rejected a website.
Professional Website Design
Does the site look professional, intuitive to use, and clearly explain what the business does?
Relevant Headlines & Page Copy
Does the site use relevant, attention-getting headlines? Does their copy effectively explain what they do, who they do it for, and why visitors should do business with them?
Mobile-Friendly Website
Is the website mobile friendly according to Google's mobile standards?
Professional Digital Branding
Does the website’s brand elements like logo, color scheme, images, fonts, and other visual elements look professional?
User Friendly Navigation
Does the site have a simplified navigation that makes it intuitive for visitors to navigate the site with ease?
Relevant Use of Images
Does the site use high-quality, relevant images?
Custom 404 Error Page Found
Does the site display a user friendly 404 page that shows up when you visit a broken link or invalid URL on the site?
Relevant Use of Video
Does the site use high-quality, relevant videos?
Conversion Optimization
97% of the visitors on a website are not interested in what is being offered to them. Companies typically spend $92 to bring customers to their site, But only $1 to convert them.
Noticeable Phone No.
Does the website display their phone number in a prominent place—for example, in the top right corner or in the mobile header?
Primary Call To Action (CTA)
Does the site use effective call-to-actions that ask visitors to take a specific desired action on their site—buy, contact you, learn more, and so on?
Lead Capture Forms
Does the site use intuitive forms to help them capture lead information or, at the very least, an email address from visitors who aren’t interested in calling them?
Relevant Trust Factors
Does the site use trust factors such as awards, affiliations, certifications, case studies, and guarantees to build trust and authority?
Newsletter Signup Form
Does the site have a newsletter signup to encourage visitors to join their email list?
Thank You Page
Does the site redirect a user to a thank you / confirmation page once they’ve submitted a form on the site?
Secondary Call To Actions
Does the site use secondary CTAs to help engage visitors who are not interested in their primary CTA?
Unique Selling Proposition (USP)
Does the site have a USP that clearly describes how their product or service solves their customer's needs or desires better than the competition?
Testimonials / Reviews
Does the site use reviews and testimonials to build trust?
Online Chat Functionality
Does the landing use a chat script for customer service, support, or sales?
Social Media Share Buttons
Does the site make their content easily shareable across different social media platforms?
Onpage SEO / Visibility
93% of online experiences begin with a search engine. It is the #1 driver of traffic to content sites, beating social media by more than 300%
Keyword Ranking on Page #1
Does the site rank on page 1 of Google for their primary keyword?
WWW Resolve
Does the site have a WWW Resolve configured to either force "www." before the domain name or remove it?
Google Analytics / Tag Manager
Does the site use Google Analytics or Google Tag Manager?
No Multiple Page Title Elements Found
Search Engines Can Index Page
Redirect Chain
Optimal Use of Keywords in H1 Tags
Does the site use keywords in their H1 tags?
Keyword Used in Page Title
Does the site use their primary keyword in their page meta title?
Accessible to Search Engines
Are search engines able to access the site—or “crawl” it? Is it being indexed?
No Meta Refresh Found
No Time To First Byte (TTFB) Issues
Local Map Pack Listing
Does the site show up in the Local Map Pack Listing for their primary keyword?
No Temporary Redirects Found
URL Limited To Three Subfolders
No Long URL (< 75 characters)
Schema Markup
Does the site use schema markup / microdata?
Brand in Meta Title
Does the site have their brand or company name in their title tag?
Optimal Page Title Length
Is the title tag on the homepage configured for the optimal length and not exceeding it?
Meta Title & Descriptions
Does the site use Meta Title & Description tags?
Meta Description Length
Is the meta description tag on the homepage configured for the optimal length and not exceeding it?
Keywords in the Meta Description
Does the website use their primary keywords in their Meta Description tag?
Sitemap.xml File
Does the site have a sitemap.xml file listing the the pages on the site that need to be found by search engines?
Alt Attribute
Does the site use the ALT attribute on the important images referenced on the site?
Your Google Listing
How does the site show up on Google's search listings?
Open Graph
When sharing a URL from the site on Facebook does it display a relevant image and title? Our automated test checks if and what Open Graph tags are added to the page.
Blog / Resource Center
Does the site use a blog, knowledgebase or resource center?
Map & Address
Does the website list their address and have a Google location map on their contact us page or another page on their site?
No Inline CSS Test
Sufficient Page Content
Does the site have sufficient page content about the business, products or services?
Mobile Viewport Tag
No underscores in URL
Nofollow Links Found
Emails Protected From Spam Bots
Avoids Too Many Links On Page ( < 100)
Keywords in Image Alt Attribute
Does the site use their primary keywords in the alt attribute of the images on the site?
Domain Authority and Backlinks
93% of online experiences begin with a search engine. It is the #1 driver of traffic to content sites, beating social media by more than 300%
Domain Authority
Page Authority
Referring Domains
Performance & Security
40% of people abandon a website that takes more than 3 seconds to load.
Secure Website Connection (HTTPS)
Is the site using a valid SSL and does it run on HTTPS?
Google Page Speed
How well is the landing page optimized for performance and page speed according to Google's page speed insights?
Does the site use some system for identifying if humans or bots are entering info on your website forms?
GTmetrix Page Speed
How well is the landing page optimized for performance and page speed according to GTmetrix speed scanner?
Browser Caching & Compression
Does the website utilize browser caching & compression?
Utilizes Content Delivery Network
Does the site use a content delivery network (CDN) to distribute cached web files like images to end users?
Google Business Profile Analysis
5% of Google Business Profile listing views result in a website click, call, or direction request.
Business Name
Is the business name on the profile accurate and the exact one used across the internet?
Does the profile include service listings for the business? You may only see the services listed on mobile devices.
Does the profile include product listings for the business?
Responses to Reviews
Has the business responded to reviews on the GBP profile? Addressing negative ones is especially important.
Business Category
Does the profile listed under a relevant category? This is usually displayed under the Business name and aggregated review count at the top of the profile.
Does the profile use posts?
Does the profile include reviews from customers?
Does the profile have photos that accurately represent the business product, service, or location?
Business Description
Does the profile have a description? This is usually displayed under the reviews if added.
Business Hours
Are the business hours listed, accurate and consistent with what is on the site or other website directories?
Website / URL
Is the website URL listed and accurate? Make sure it does not redirect to another URL.
Is the phone number on the profile accurate and the exact one used across the internet?
Is the address on the profile accurate and the exact one used across the internet?
Claimed Profile
Has the GBP profile been claimed/verified. If it has not you will usually see "Own This Business" link or Suggest An Edit link on the profile listing.
Does the profile include a video that accurately represents the business product, service, or location?
Questions & Answers
Does the profile include questions and answers?
Social Profiles
Does the profile include links to their social media profiles like FB, Twitter, or LinkedIn?
E-commerce Audit
Home Page
38% of people will stop engaging with a website if the content/layout is unattractive.
Professional Website Design
Does the site look professional, intuitive to use, and designed to sell the company's products?
Professional Digital Branding
Does the website's brand elements like logo, color scheme, images, fonts, and other visual elements look professional?
Unique Selling Proposition (USP)
Does the site have a USP that clearly describes how their products solve their customer's needs or desires?
Relevant Trust Factors
Does the site use trust factors such as awards, affiliations, certifications, case studies, and guarantees to build trust and authority?
Primary Call To Action (CTA)
Does the site use effective call-to-actions that ask visitors to take a specific desired action on their site—buy, contact you, learn more, and so on?
Use of Sales & Promotions
Does the home page display special products on sale or limited/promotional offers?
Popups Optimized for Mobile
If the site uses pop up do they display well on mobile devices?
Pop Up w/ Option Exclusive Offer
Does the home page have a popup window with an exclusive offer like a discount coupon?
Newsletter Signup
Does the site have a newsletter signup to encourage visitors to join their email list?
User-Friendly Navigation
Does the site have a simplified navigation that makes it intuitive for visitors to navigate the site with ease from your home page and product pages to the cart and checkout?
Contact Info is Prominent
Is primary contact info like email and phone no. easy to find on the site?
Accessible to Search Engines
Are search engines able to access the site—or “crawl” it? Is it being indexed?
Keyword Used in Page Title
Does the home page use their primary keyword in their home page meta title?
Keyword Ranking on Page #1
Does the site rank on page 1 of Google for their primary keyword? Our app automatically checks for this.
Use of Keywords in H1 Tags
Does the home page use keywords in their H1 tags?
Google Business Profile (GBP)
Does the business have a Google Business Profile listing with a link back to the website?
Google Analytics / Tag Manager
Does the site use Google Analytics or Google Tag Manager?
Is the site using a valid SSL and does it run on HTTPS?
Google Page Speed
How well is the landing page optimized for performance and page speed according to Google's page speed insights?
GTmetrix Page Speed
How well is the landing page optimized for performance and page speed according to GTmetrix speed scanner?
Mobile Friendly
Is the website mobile friendly according to Google's mobile standards?
WWW Resolve
Does the site have a WWW Resolve configured to either force "www." before the domain name or remove it?
Brand in Meta Title
Does the site have their brand or company name in their title tag?
No Image Carousel / Slider
Does the site home page use an image slider or carousel?
Captivating hero image
Does the home page have a compelling image that represents the brand or its products above the fold?
Your Google Listing
How does the site show up on Google's search listings?
Popular Products Listing
Does the home page list popular products / best sellers?
Does the site use any personalization? Examples for past visitors could be recently viewed products or for new visitors special offers based on visitor location.
Secondary Call To Actions (CTA)
Does the site use secondary CTAs to help engage visitors who are not interested in viewing or purchasing a product?
Online Chat Functionality
Does the landing use a chat script for customer service, support, or sales?
Open Graph
When sharing a URL from the site on Facebook does it display a relevant image and title? Our automated test checks if and what Open Graph tags are added to the page.
Relevant Headlines & Page Copy
Does the site use relevant, attention-getting headlines and copy to help promote their products?
Optimal Page Title Length
Is the title tag on the homepage configured for the optimal length and not exceeding it? Our app automatically checks this.
Meta Title & Descriptions
Does the site home page use Meta Title & Description tags?
Keywords in the Meta Description
Does the website use their primary keywords in their Meta Description tag?
Meta Description Length
Is the meta description tag on the homepage configured for the optimal length and not exceeding it?
Alt Attribute
Does the site use the ALT attribute on the important images used on the site?
Schema Markup
Does the site home page use schema markup / microdata?
Sitemap.xml File
Does the site have a sitemap.xml file listing the the pages on the site that need to be found by search engines?
Keywords in Image Alt Attribute
Does the site use their primary keywords in the alt attribute of the images on the home page?
Social Media Share Buttons
Does the site make their content easily shareable across different social media platforms?
Site / Product Search
Does the site have a search feature/function?
Search Suggestions / Autocomplete
Does the site search offer suggestions for corrections or have an autocomplete feature to making searching the site easier?
No Results Found Message
Does the site search return a user friendly no results found message when it can't find any results based on the search query?
Custom 404 Page
Does the site display a user friendly 404 page that shows up when you visit a broken link or invalid URL on the site?
Descriptive Title
Is the title of this product category page descriptive? Are you easily able to identify what it’s about?
Grid View / Thumbnails
Does this product category page use thumbnail images to represent the categories?
Link Titles & Thumbnails
Are both titles & thumbnails linked up on this product category page?
URL Structure
Is this product category page URL relevant and include the appropriate keywords without being spammy?
Search Filters / Sorting
Does this product category page include search filters or sorting?
Does this product category page include pagination?
Descriptive Title
Is the title of this product listing page descriptive and easy to identify what it’s about?
Grid View / Thumbnails
Does this product listing page use thumbnail images to represent the products?
Link Titles & Thumbnails
Are both titles & thumbnails linked up on this product listing page?
Keyword Used in Page Title
Does the site use their primary keyword in their product listing page meta title?
Keyword Ranking on Page #1
Does the site rank on page #1 of Google for their primary keyword? Our app automatically checks for this.
Use of Keywords in H1 Tags
Does the site use keywords in their H1 tags? Our app automatically checks for this.
Google Page Speed
How well is the landing page optimized for performance and page speed according to Google's page speed insights?
GTmetrix Page Speed
How well is the landing page optimized for performance and page speed according to GTmetrix speed scanner?
Mobile Friendly
Is the website mobile friendly according to Google's mobile standards?
URL Structure
Is this product listing page URL relevant and include the appropriate keywords without being spammy?
Search Filters / Sorting
Does this product listing page include search filters or sorting?
Review / Rating Summary
Does this product listing page provide a review or rating for any or all of the products listed on the page?
Open Graph
When sharing a URL from the site on Facebook does it display a relevant image and title? Our automated test checks if and what Open Graph tags are added to the page.
Optimal Page Title Length
Is the title tag on the homepage configured for the optimal length and not exceeding it? Our app automatically checks this.
Meta Title & Descriptions
Does the site product listing page use Meta Title & Description tags?
Keywords in the Meta Description
Does the website use their primary keywords in their meta description tag on the product listing pages?
Meta Description Length
Is the meta description tag on the homepage configured for the optimal length and not exceeding it?
Alt Attribute
Does the site use the ALT attribute on the important images referenced on the site?
Schema Markup
Does the site use schema markup / microdata?
Does this product listing page include pagination?
Keywords in Image Alt Attribute
Does the site use their primary keywords in the alt attribute of the images on the product listing page?
Relevant Product Title
Is the title on the product page descriptive and easily tell you what the product is?
Relevant Product Description
Does the description on the product page appropriately describe the product?
Use of Keywords in H1 Tags
Does the site use keywords in their H1 tags?
Easy to Configure Options & Attributes
If the product has attributes or options that can be configured is it intuitive to do?
Utilizes High Quality Images
Are the images on the product page high quality that are not blurry or distorted?
Product Videos
Does the product page use video to showcase the product being sold?
Relevant Product Reviews
Does the product page list product reviews?
Shipping in X Days
Does the product page list clearly display how long it takes to process and ship an order?
Free Shipping
Does the product list free shipping as a benefit?
Clearly Stated Savings
If the product is on sale does it clearly list the stated savings or discounted amount?
Prevalent "Add to Cart" button
Does the product page have a clearly visible Add to Cart button?
Prevalent "Checkout" button
Does the product page & cart page have a clearly visible Checkout button?
Prominent Security/Trust Seals
Does the product page list seals that build trust and security in the business?
Mobile Friendly
Is the website mobile friendly according to Google's mobile standards?
Google Page Speed
How well is the landing page optimized for performance and page speed according to Google's page speed insights?
GTmetrix Page Speed
How well is the landing page optimized for performance and page speed according to GTmetrix speed scanner?
Keyword Ranking on Page #1
Does the site rank on page 1 of Google for their primary keyword?
Keyword Used in Page Title
Does the site use their primary keyword in their product detail page meta title?
Meta Title & Descriptions
Does the site product detail page use Meta Title & Description tags?
Optimal Page Title Length
Is the title tag on the homepage configured for the optimal length and not exceeding it?
Keywords in the Meta Description
Does the website use their primary keywords in their Meta Description tag?
Meta Description Length
Is the meta description tag on the homepage configured for the optimal length and not exceeding it?
Alt Attribute
Does the site use the ALT attribute on the important images referenced on the site?
Breadcrumb Navigation
Does this product page use some sort of breadcrumb to help visitors know where they are on the site?
Multiple Image Views
Does the product page offer images with different views or angles?
Item Availability Displayed
Does the product page list the product availability or quantity?
Prevalent Cart Icon / Button
Does the product page, and other pages on the site have a clearly visible cart icon or view car button?
Items Added to Cart Msg
Cross Sell / Related Products Listing
Does the product page list related products or offer cross sell offers of any kind?
Upsell Offers
Open Graph
When sharing a URL from the site on Facebook does it display a relevant image and title? Our automated test checks if and what Open Graph tags are added to the page.
Schema Markup
Does the site use schema markup / microdata?
Keywords in Image Alt Attribute
Does the site use their primary keywords in the alt attribute of the images on the product details page?
Social Proof Widget
Does the product page or site use some sort of social proof notification to indicate recent sales/transactions?
Cart & Checkout
69% is the average documented online shopping cart abandonment rate.
Easily Manage
Is it easy to manage cart items (add/edit/delete)?
User-Friendly Form Validation
Does the checkout out page use proper validations and easy to understand error messages?
Prominent Security Seals
Does the checkout page list seals that build trust and security in the business?
Single-page Checkout
Does the site have an intuitive single page checkout?
No 3rd Party Checkout Redirect
Does the checkout out page redirect you to a 3rd party site like Paypal to complete the order?
Guest Checkout Option
Does the checkout page offer a guest checkout or option to checkout without registering for an account or login?
Auto Create Accounts on Order
Does the website offer the user or automatically create an account for users who’ve placed an order?
Social Logins
Does the site offer social login functionality when checking out?
Billing Same As Shipping Checkbox
Does the checkout out page have a billing address the same as shipping address checkbox to avoid entering duplicate info?
Multiple Payment Methods
Does the checkout out page offer common payment methods?
Coupon / Promo Code
Does the cart or checkout out page offer a field to enter a coupon or promo code?
Form Values Saved On Error Submission
Does the checkout out page save the user input to ensure inputted data is not lost if a validation is triggered or error occurs during the checkout process?
Progress Indicators
Does the cart or checkout page have some sort of progress indicator to help visitors identify where in the order process they are?
No Unnecessary Links
Does the checkout out page have unnecessary links that could take away from the checkout process?
No Surprise Fees
Does the checkout out page list any surprise fees? We’re not referring to normal fees like shipping and taxes.
Does the site checkout or product pages use an exit pop up to get the user to take action?
Abandoned Cart Email
Does the site use abandoned cart emails?
Newsletter Opt-In Default
Does the checkout page have a checkbox to allow users to opt-in to the email list? Is it checked by default?
Confirmation Email
Does the site send out a confirmation order when the order has been completed.
Confirmation / Thank You Page
Does the site send direct users to a proper confirmation / thank you page once an order has been completed?
Google Analytics / Tag Manager
Does the site use Google Analytics or Google Tag Manager?
Google / Bing Analytics Goals
Does the site analytics have proper goals configured with the right KPI's?
User testing Tools / Heat Maps
Does the site use any sort of heat map software?
Privacy Policy
Does the site have a privacy policy?
Terms & Conditions
Does the site have Terms & Conditions?
Cookie Policy
Does the site have a cookie policy?
Does the site appear to have GDPR Policies and Checkboxes in place? Most sites will not comply with ALL of GDPR requirements. Use this as a talking point.
Shipping Policy
Does the site have a shipping policy?
Return & Exchange Policy
Does the site have a return or exchange policy?
Website Copyright in Footer
Does the website have a copyright notice in the footer?
Automated Accessibility Assessment
Alternative (ALT) Text for Images
Does the site use the ALT attribute on the important images referenced on the site?
Captions / Transcripts for Audio & Video
Are captions / transcripts provided for the audio & video used on the site?
Text Size & Readability
Is the font size of the website content legible and easy to read?
Color Contrast
Does the site use color contrast between the text and the background so it is easy to read? The most popular color combination is black text on a white background.
Descriptive Link Text
Does the site use descriptive text for their links so it is clear where links are going to and/or what the purpose of the link is vs. text like click here?
Navigation & Site Structure
Is the site navigation optimized for use by touch devices, keyboards and screen readers?
Fields & Forms
Are the website forms created to be accessible by users with cognitive disabilities using screen readers, text to speech software etc?
Landing Page Audit
User Experience
50% of landing pages are optimized for mobile devices.
Professional Web Design
Does the landing page look professional, intuitive to use, and clearly explain what the business does?
Relevant Use of Images
Does the landing page use high-quality, relevant images?
Relevant Use of Video
Does the landing page use high-quality, relevant video?
Visual Layout, Structure & Hierarchy
Color Scheme
Typography & Legibility
Call-to-Action (CTA)
Spacing & Whitespace Utilization
Hero Section / Above The Fold
Conversion Optimization
2.35% is the average landing page conversion rate across all industries.
Primary Call To Action (CTA)
Does the landing page use effective call-to-actions that ask visitors to take a specific desired action —buy, call us, chat with us, fill out this form etc?
Noticeable Phone No
Does the landing page display their phone number in a prominent place—for example, in the top right corner or in the mobile header?
Lead Capture Forms
Does the landing page use an intuitive form to collect visitor info?
Relevant Trust Factors
Does the landing page use trust factors such as awards, affiliations, certifications, and guarantees to build trust and authority?
Testimonials / Reviews
Does the landing page use reviews and testimonials to build trust?
Online Chat
Does the landing use a chat script for customer service, support, or sales?
Use Scarcity Techniques
Does the landing page use any form of scarcity to drive the conversion?
Secondary Call To Actions (CTA)
Does the landing page use secondary CTAs to help engage visitors who are not interested in their primary CTA?
Unique Selling Proposition (USP)
Does the landing page have a USP that clearly describes how their product or service solves the visitors needs or desires, better than the competition?
Content / Copy
90% of visitors who read your headline will also read your CTA.
Captivating Headlines
Does the landing page use captivating headlines?
Value Proposition and Messaging
Customer-Centric Content
Persuasive Techniques
Objection Handling
Clarity & Simplicity of Language
Thank You Page Optimization
Expression of Gratitude
Personalized Greeting
Transaction Confirmation
Next steps
Video Content
Appointment Scheduling
Upsell or Cross-sell Opportunity
Content Engagement
Bonus Value-Add Freebie
Social Sharing
Customer Support
Newsletter Signup
Performance & Security
53% of people abandon pages after just three seconds.
Secure Website Connection (HTTPS)
Is the landing page use a valid SSL and does it run on HTTPS?
Google Page Speed
How well is the landing page optimized for performance and page speed according to Google's page speed insights?
GTmetrix Page Speed
How well is the landing page optimized for performance and page speed according to GTmetrix speed scanner?
Privacy Policy
Does the landing page have a privacy policy?
Cookie Policy
Does the landing page have a cookie policy?
Terms & Conditions
Does the landing page have Terms & Conditions?
Copyright in Footer
Does the landing page have a copyright notice in the footer?
Refund/Return Policy
Shipping Policy
Mobile Rendering Optimization
Hero Section / Above the Fold
Overlapping Text & Images
Text Readability & Contrast
Whitespace & Spacing
Accessibility Audit
Elements must only use allowed ARIA attributes
ARIA role must be appropriate for the element
The aria-hidden is not set to true on the body tag
Aria-hidden elements do not contain focusable elements
Elements with ARIA roles have the required ARIA attributes
Certain ARIA roles must contain particular children
Certain ARIA roles must be contained by particular parent elements
Use aria-roledescription on elements with a semantic role
All elements with a role uses a valid value
All ARIA attributes have valid values
Attributes that begin with aria- are valid ARIA attributes
The ID attribute value is unique for ARIA and labels
Every ARIA input field has an accessible name
Every ARIA toggle field has an accessible name
Audio elements have captions
Video elements have captions
Text elements have sufficient color contrast against the background
HTML Document & Landmarks
The lang attribute of the html element has a valid value
Lang attributes have valid values
Zooming and scaling is not disabled
HTML document has a lang attribute
HTML document contains a non-empty title element
HTML elements with lang and xml:lang have the same base language
The banner landmark is not contained in another landmark
The complementary landmark or aside is at top level
The contentinfo landmark is not contained in another landmark
The main landmark is not contained in another landmark
The document has at most one banner landmark
The document has at most one contentinfo landmark
The document has at most one main landmark
The document has a main landmark
Landmarks must have a unique role or role/label/title
All page content is contained by landmarks
Users can zoom and scale the text upto 500%
The buttons have discernible text
DL elements are structured correctly
DT and DD elements are contained by a DL element
Links have discernible text
Lists elements are structured correctly
LI elements are contained in a OL or UL element
All skip links have a focusable target
Links with the same accessible name serve a similar purpose
The autocomplete attribute is used correctly
Image buttons have alternate text
Elements should not have tabindex greater than zero
Form element have label in addition to title or aria-describedby attributes
Input buttons have discernible text
Form fields does not have multiple label elements
Form elements have a label
Order of headings is semantically correct
Page contains an H1 tag
The heading tags have discernible text
Iframes must be tested with axe-core
Iframe and frame elements contain a unique title attribute
Iframe and frame elements contain a non-empty title attribute
Area elements of image maps have alternate text
Images have alternate text
role=img elements have alternate text
Text of buttons and links should not be repeated in the image alternative
Server-side image maps are not used
Each cell in a table using the headers refers to another cell in that table
Each table header in a data table refers to data cells
Scope attribute is used correctly on tables
Tables do not have the same summary and caption
Blink elements are not used
Marquee elements are not used
Meta http-equiv=refresh is not used
SVG images and graphics have accessible text
All accesskey attribute values are unique
Inline text spacing is adjustable with custom stylesheets
Navigation can be bypassed to jump to content
The ID attribute value is unique for all focusable elements
Object elements have alternate text
Scrollable region has keyboard access
The ID attribute value is unique for all elements
Technical WP Assessment
30% of the top 1000 websites in the world are powered by WordPress. It is the most popular website content management system.
Google Safe Browsing
Has the site been flagged by Google Safe Browsing service?
Automatic Updates
Are automatic WordPress updates configured on the site?
Premium Plugins
What premium plugins does the website have installed?
General Plugins
What are the common WP plugins installed on the website?
Theme and Plugin Editor
Has the theme and the plugin editor been disabled?
Admin User Account
Is the default "admin" user account enabled for the website?
Disable Discourage Search Engines
Has the setting for "Discourage Search Engines" been disabled?
WordPress Security & Vulnerabilities
What are the current WordPress security & vulnerabilities for this site?
Readme.html Accessibility
Has the Readme.html accessibility public access been disabled?
Install.php Accessibility
Has the Install.php file been deleted or protected from the public?
Protect wp-config.php
Has the wp-config.php access been restricted to ensure it is not accessible to the public?
Disable Directory Access
Has directory access been restricted to ensure it is not accessible to the public?
Disable Debug Mode
Has the Debug Mode been disabled once the site is live?
Deactivated Themes
What deactivated themes does the site have that can be deleted?
No Comments Spam
Does the site have any spam links/content on their blogs?
No Malware Found
Is the site free of viruses or malware? A quick free scan from https://sitecheck.sucuri.net/ can help you with that.
Upgrade.php Accessibility
WooCommerce System Status Report
The WooCommerce System Status report is handy for troubleshooting issues on an e-commerce store. Our application automatically pulls this information and reports on it when the WP Technical Add-on is installed and ran on the site.
Current Stable WordPress Version
Does the site run on the current stable version of WordPress?
Managed Hosting Plan
Does the site run on a WP managed hosting plan?
WordPress Backups
Does the site have a reliable backup strategy?
Admin Accounts
How many and what admin accounts are being used on the website?
Additional Themes
Does the site have other additional themes that are not currently used on the site that should be removed?
Post Revision Control
Learn how to disable or restrict the number of post revisions are used for a site to improve database performance.
Hide WordPress Version
Is the WordPress version being hidden from the public for security reasons?
Are permalinks properly configured on the site?
Timezone Settings
Are the Timezone settings for the site properly configured?
Development Site Instance
Does the site have a separate staging/development server where changes can be made, tested and reviewed before making them live?
Deactivated Plugins
What are the deactivated plugins still installed on the site that can be removed?
Page Edit URL
Has the page edit URL been disabled on the front end editing for security purposes?
Sample Content
Has the default sample content been removed from the site?
AI Website
User Experience
94% of people cited web design as the reason they mistrusted or rejected a website.
Professional Design
Does the landing page look professional, intuitive to use, and clearly explain what the business does?
Visual Layout, Structure & Hierarchy
Hero Section / Above The Fold
Call-to-Action (CTA)
Use of Images
Does the landing page use high-quality, relevant images?
Use of Video
Does the landing page use high-quality, relevant video?
Color Scheme
Typography & Legibility
Spacing & Whitespace Utilization
Conversion Optimization
97% of the visitors on a website are not interested in what is being offered to them. Companies typically spend $92 to bring customers to their site, But only $1 to convert them.
Unique Selling Proposition (USP)
Does the landing page have a USP that clearly describes how their product or service solves the visitors needs or desires, better than the competition?
Primary Call To Action (CTA)
Does the landing page use effective call-to-actions that ask visitors to take a specific desired action —buy, call us, chat with us, fill out this form etc?
Secondary Call To Action (CTA)
Does the landing page use secondary CTAs to help engage visitors who are not interested in their primary CTA?
Relevant Trust Factors
Does the landing page use trust factors such as awards, affiliations, certifications, and guarantees to build trust and authority?
Testimonials / Reviews
Does the landing page use reviews and testimonials to build trust?
Noticeable Phone No
Does the landing page display their phone number in a prominent place—for example, in the top right corner or in the mobile header?
Lead Capture Forms
Does the landing page use an intuitive form to collect visitor info?
Online Chat
Does the landing use a chat script for customer service, support, or sales?
Mobile Rendering Optimization
Hero Section / Above the Fold
Overlapping Text & Images
Text Readability & Contrast
Whitespace & Spacing
SEO / Online Visibility
93% of online experiences begin with a search engine. It is the #1 driver of traffic to content sites, beating social media by more than 300%
Accessible to Search Engines
Google SERP Visibility Analysis
SERP Features Analysis
Backlink Trend Analysis
Local Map Pack Visibility
Google Business Profile (GBP)
Meta Title Analysis
Meta Description Analysis
Keywords in H1 & H2 Tags
Schema Markup
Open Graph Markup
Google Analytics / Tag Manager Tracking
Meta (FB) Pixel Tracking
Performance & Security
40% of people abandon a website that takes more than 3 seconds to load.
Google Page Speed
How well is the landing page optimized for performance and page speed according to Google's page speed insights?
Does the site use some system for identifying if humans or bots are entering info on your website forms?
GTmetrix Page Speed
How well is the landing page optimized for performance and page speed according to GTmetrix speed scanner?
Browser Caching & Compression
Does the website utilize browser caching & compression?
Utilizes Content Delivery Network
Does the site use a content delivery network (CDN) to distribute cached web files like images to end users?
Secure Website Connection (HTTPS)
Is the site using a valid SSL and does it run on HTTPS?
Privacy Policy
Does the landing page have a privacy policy?
Cookie Policy
Does the landing page have a cookie policy?
Terms & Conditions
Does the landing page have Terms & Conditions?
Copyright in Footer
Does the landing page have a copyright notice in the footer?
Refund/Return Policy
Shipping Policy
Captivating Headlines
Does the landing page use captivating headlines?
Value Proposition and Messaging
Customer-Centric Content
Clarity & Simplicity of Language