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Clifford Almeida Clifford Almeida

The Power of One More: Strategies For Running An Extraordinary Web Agency

In the fast-paced world of digital marketing and web design, it's easy to feel like you're constantly chasing the next big thing. But what if the key to extraordinary success was already within your grasp? What if it was just "One More" decision away?

Recently, I had the pleasure of diving into Ed Mylett's powerful book, "The Power of One More: The Ultimate Guide to Happiness and Success." Mylett, a globally recognized entrepreneur, peak performance expert, and one of the world's top business leaders, presents a compelling case for pushing just a little bit further in every aspect of life and business.

As I turned the pages, I couldn't help but see the parallels between Mylett's philosophy and the challenges we face in the agency world. His message of perseverance, intentional thinking, and focused action resonated deeply with me, especially considering the unique hurdles web design agencies encounter daily.

Inspired by Mylett's insights, I wanted to share we’ve applied the "One More" mindset to transform our web design agency in Arizona from good to extraordinary. Whether you're grappling with client acquisition, talent retention, or staying ahead of AI and other technological trends, adopting this powerful perspective has immense value.

In this blog post, we'll explore how "One More" principles can be tailored to address common agency pain points and propel your business forward. From redefining your agency's identity to enhancing customer value, we'll delve into practical applications that can make a real difference in your day-to-day operations and long-term success.

So, are you ready to discover what "One More" could mean for your agency? Let's dive in and unlock the extraordinary potential just one step away.

Table of Contents

Redefining Your Agency's Identity

Mylett emphasizes the power of identity in shaping our outcomes. For web agencies, this translates to your brand positioning and the value you bring to clients.

Practical Application:

  • Revisit and refine your agency’s mission and vision annually.
  • Create a unique value proposition(UVP) that sets you apart in the crowded market.
  • Conduct a brand audit to align your agency’s identity with your goals.


  • Schedule a yearly “Vision Day” where you and if you have a team contribute to updating the agency’s mission and vision.
  • Conduct a UVP Sprint. Research competitors, assess internal strengths, analyze client feedback and reviews, and craft 3-5 potential UVPs. Choose the most effective one and integrate it across all your marketing channels and client communications.

The "One More Try" Mentality in Client Acquisition

Mylett’s analogy perfectly illustrates the importance of persistence in achieving goals. This applies directly to attracting and retaining high-value clients.

Practical Application:

  • Implement a “one more” follow-up strategy for leads and proposals.
  • Create an outreach funnel for lost deals and customers, adding value at each touchpoint.
  • Develop case studies showcasing successful long-term client relationships.


  • After a proposal, instead of giving up after one follow-up, create a 5-touch sequence over 30 days, each time sharing a relevant insight or case study.
  • Implement a “Lost Client Reactivation” campaign, reaching out to past clients with personalized ideas for their current needs.

Time Management: The Agency Owner's Superpower

As Mylett points out, time is our most precious resource. Effective time management is crucial for small agency owners who are juggling multiple roles.

Practical Application:

  • Use time-blocking techniques to balance client work, business development, and strategic planning.
  • Implement project management tools like or to streamline workflows.
  • Regularly audit and eliminate time-wasting activities.


  • Implement “Power Hours” – two uninterrupted 60-minute blocks daily for high-priority tasks.
  • Use the “Two-Minute Rule” – if a task takes less than two minutes, do it immediately instead of scheduling it for later.
  • Conduct a weekly “Time Audit” to identify, eliminate, or delegate low-value activities.

Lead Generation: One More Touchpoint

Enhancing your lead generation efforts with the “One More” mindset can help you capture and nurture more potential clients.

Practical Application:

  • Add one more step to your lead nurturing sequence.
  • Implement one more lead magnet or widget on your website to capture different audience segments.
  • Attend one more networking event or conference each quarter to expand your reach.


  • Add a free website audit or SEO audit as your “one more” lead magnet, attracting potential clients considering a website redesign or SEO services. This gives prospects valuable insights into their current website or online visibility, which you can use in your sales pitch.
  • Run an Ask Me Anything (AMA) Call for prospects and customers about specific topics you are a subject area expert on, like local search engine optimization (SEO), conversation rate optimization (CRO), branding, etc. Deliver value by answering questions and establishing yourself as the go-to expert to help them implement it.

Client Communication: One More Step Ahead

In the agency world, being reactive isn’t enough. The “One More” philosophy can be powerfully applied to client communication and proactively drives results. By taking one more step to anticipate client needs and showcase value, you can strengthen relationships and boost client retention.

Practical Application:

  • Implement one more proactive touchpoint in your client communication strategy.
  • Develop another method to anticipate and address potential client concerns before they arise.
  • Create one more way to showcase the tangible results of your work to clients.


  • Establish a “Monthly Insight Report” where you proactively share one critical performance insight and improvement suggestion for each client’s project. Here’s a Client Reporting workshop recording you can watch where I cover how we do it in our agency.
  • Implement a “Next Quarter Strategy Session” at the end of each quarter, where you present one forward-looking idea to each client for their upcoming goals. Here’s our agency client meeting playbook for executing this strategy.
  • Create a “Client Win Notification” system, where your team is trained to immediately report and communicate any positive metrics or outcomes to the client.

Scaling Without Compromise: The Power of Standards & Procedures

Mylett emphasizes the relationship between goals and standards. This is crucial for agencies looking to scale without compromising quality or getting burned out.

Practical Application:

  • Develop and document clear quality standards for all agency deliverables.
  • Create a scalable process that maintains quality as you grow.
  • Implement peer review systems to ensure consistency across all client work.


  • Develop a Quality Assurance or Launch checklist for each type of deliverable that every project must pass before client presentation.
  • Implement a client onboarding process to ensure you communicate your processes and expectations to ensure successful client relationships and project execution. In many cases, templates already exist for you to use as you scale. Here is an example of dozens of agency templates you can use.
  • Create a process where project debriefs contribute to updating and improving your agency’s standards.

Delegation: One More Task Off Your Plate

As agency owners, we often try to do everything ourselves. Mylett’s philosophy can be applied to delegation, helping us focus on what truly matters. If you struggle with delegation because of the output from the person you delegate the task to, ensure your standard operating procedures are in place.

Practical Application:

  • Identify one more task you can delegate each week.
  • Empower one more team member to take on additional responsibilities.
  • Create one more system or process that facilitates easier delegation.


  • Start a “One More Handoff” initiative. Each week, identify a task you’ve been holding onto and fully delegate it to a capable team member. This might be client reporting, initial project briefings, or social media management. Provide them with the necessary resources and trust them to excel, freeing you up to focus on strategic growth.
  • Develop a “Shadow System” where team members shadow you in key tasks before taking them over.
  • Regularly audit and eliminate time-wasting activities. I know I mentioned this above, but it’s also relevant here.

Building a High-Performance Agency Culture

The concept of “One More Association” underscores the importance of your inner circle. In an agency context, this relates to developing and retaining top talent.

Practical Application:

  • Create a culture of continuous learning, allocating time for skill development.
  • Regularly celebrate team and individual achievements, including yours.
  • Reflect weekly or monthly on challenges and failures and the lessons learned.


  • Establish a monthly “Skill Share Friday” where team members teach each other new techniques.
  • Create a “Wall of Lessons Learned” where team members share lessons from mistakes, fostering a culture of learning and resilience.

Embracing the AI Revolution: The "One More Innovation" Mindset

Staying ahead of rapidly changing technology, especially AI, requires a mindset of continuous innovation and learning.

Practical Application:

  • Allocate resources for experimenting with new AI tools in web design and marketing.
  • Develop an AI integration strategy for your agency’s services.
  • Create thought leadership content around AI applications in web design.


  • Dedicate 5-10% weekly to testing new AI tools and sharing findings with your team. You can also use your learning in a monthly “AI in Action” newsletter, blog, video, or podcast.
  • Join a free or paid mastermind group focused on AI and learn from experts and the community.
  • Implement a system where each team member is responsible for becoming an expert in a specific AI tool and training others. AI tools and tips for marketing, copywriting, SEO, design, and more.

Work-Life Balance: The Ultimate "One More" Goal

Avoiding burnout and establishing work-life balance is crucial for long-term success and satisfaction.

Practical Application:

  • Implement strict boundaries between work and personal time.
  • Use delegation to reduce owner overwhelm for tasks that are low-value and don’t light you up.
  • Regularly schedule “unplugged” time for rejuvenation.


  • Implement “No Meeting Fridays” for focused work and or personal goals. I use Fridays for business development and take the afternoons off for myself or to spend time with my kids when they have early release from school.
  • Communicate boundaries about after-hours and weekend work with clients.
  • Audit and eliminate time-wasting activities regularly. I know I mentioned this above, but it’s also relevant here.

Marketing: The "One More" Channel Strategy

Applying the “One More” philosophy to your agency’s marketing efforts can significantly boost your visibility and attract more potential clients.

Practical Application:

  • Create one more piece of weekly content to boost your content marketing efforts.
  • Diversify your marketing efforts by adding one more channel to your mix.
  • Implement one more data point in your marketing analytics to gain deeper insights.


  • For example, if you are working on content marketing, create one more piece of weekly content to boost your content marketing efforts. Repurpose it so you have the exact text, video, and audio content. and are some tools that can help you with this.
  • Diversify your marketing efforts by adding one more channel to your mix. Only do this after you have one channel working or have tried it for 3-6+ months consistently and know it isn’t working for you.

Sales: One More Follow-up

The “One More” approach in sales can be the difference between closing a deal and losing it to a competitor.

Practical Application:

  • Extend your sales follow-up sequence by one more touchpoint. If you don’t get a reply to an email, give them a call.
  • Prepare one more relevant case study or testimonial to showcase during sales presentations.
  • Offer one more value-added service in your proposals to differentiate from competitors.


  • After your standard follow-up sequence, add a “one more” personalized video message addressing the prospect’s specific needs and how your agency can meet them. This personal touch can set you apart and demonstrate your commitment to understanding and solving their unique challenges. You can use or
  • Create a “Value-Added Services” strategy, including one unexpected bonus service that helps them achieve their desired outcome. For example, along with a website redesign proposal, we may include writing two blogs and indirectly promoting our content writing services, running a Google Business audit, and optimizing their GBP profile as a lead into our local SEO services.
  • Develop a “Micro-Case Study” series, sharing one specific result from a similar client with each follow-up.

Customer Value: One More Unexpected Benefit

Going above and beyond in adding value to your customers can turn them into loyal advocates for your agency.

Practical Application:

  • Provide one more unexpected deliverable with each project.
  • Offer one more check-in or support session after project completion.
  • Create one more educational resource tailored to each client’s industry or challenges.


  • After launching a new website for a client, surprise them with a custom SEO report that highlights quick wins they can implement to boost their search rankings. This unexpected value-add delights the client and opens up opportunities for additional SEO services.
  • Offer a free website, SEO, GBP, or other type of audit three to six months after project completion. Offer to make improvements to help your clients grow proactively.

One More Boundary: Strengthening Client Relationships Through Clear Limits

Setting and maintaining healthy boundaries with clients is essential for sustainable agency growth and success. The “One More” approach can help you establish clear limits that protect your team’s time and energy while improving client relationships and project outcomes.

Practical Application:

  • Implement one more policy or reminder to clearly define project scope and deliverables to avoid scope and budget creep.
  • Establish or communicate expectations for client communication to avoid unscheduled calls and tardy meetings.
  • Manage client expectations about last-minute work (evening and weekend work) and communicate that if you have the bandwidth, it is charged at a premium rate of 2X.


  • At the start of each project, keep a detailed document of all deliverables, timelines, and what constitutes the scope of work that is included. Communicate to your client that anything not explicitly stated in it is considered a new scope. Provide a process for handling scope changes, requiring written approval and budget adjustments for any additions.
  • Set clear guidelines for client interactions as part of your client onboarding process. Specify your agency’s core working hours, expected response times for different communication channels, and a protocol for scheduling meetings (e.g., 24-hour notice for non-emergency calls).
  • After-Hours Work Boundaries: Establish an “Urgent Request Protocol” that outlines how last-minute or after-hours work is handled. Clearly communicate that regular working hours are [your specific hours], and any work required outside these hours, if possible to accommodate, will be billed at 1.5x or 2x the standard rate. Include this information in your initial contract and remind clients when they make urgent requests.

Physical and Mental Health: One More Step Towards Wellbeing

Last but not least, focus on your physical and mental health. In the demanding world of agency life, it’s easy to neglect our physical and psychological health. However, as Mylett emphasizes, peak performance in business starts with personal well-being.

Practical Application:

  • Add one more healthy habit to your daily routine.
  • Take one more break during your workday for mental refreshment, rest your eyes, and stretch.
  • Implement one more wellness initiative for your team related to physical or mental health.


  • Introduce a “One More Mile” challenge, encouraging team members to walk, run, or cycle one extra mile daily. This will promote physical health and create a sense of shared accomplishment.
  • For mental health, implement gratitude practice at the start of team meetings, helping everyone center themselves before diving into work. We share 1-3 things we are grateful for personally or professionally. My family follows this practice every evening before our nightly prayer time.

Conclusion: Your "One More" Agency Journey

Implementing these “One More” principles across all aspects of your agency – from identity and marketing to sales, customer value, personal health, and effective delegation – can transform your web agency from surviving to thriving.

Remember, each small step compounds over time. By consistently pushing for “one more” improvement in each area of your business and personal life, you’ll build an agency that not only meets but exceeds your vision of success.

What’s your agency’s “One More” goal for this quarter? And more importantly, what’s your personal “One More” commitment to ensure you’re at your best to lead your agency to new heights? Join the conversation and share them in our agency FB group.

By embracing the “Power of One More” in these areas, you’re not just improving your agency – you’re revolutionizing it. You’re creating a resilient, forward-thinking organization prepared to meet the challenges of the digital landscape head-on. And it all starts with that one more step. Are you ready to take it?

Clifford Almeida

About Clifford Almeida

I’m a serial entrepreneur, agency owner, change-maker and globe trotter. I created My Web Audit to help web professionals generate more leads and close more deals faster.

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