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Clifford Almeida Clifford Almeida

How To Generate More Leads From Your Agency Website

Are you looking for a proven system for generating and converting your website visitors into leads for your web agency, SEO company, or marketing agency?

You've probably tried all the usual tactics from the "How To" PDF download to the gated video or blog post and realized they don't convert well. If you are like most agencies, chances are you are not generating enough leads or getting highly qualified leads from your existing website traffic.

The good news is that there is an easier way to generate leads from your existing website visitors: use lead widgets on your agency website.

Don't dismiss this idea just because it seems simple. It's the simplicity that makes it so powerful. This method consistently works because it offers something of relevance and value to your website visitors. It's the exact method many agencies have used to convert up to four times more leads on their site than the typical PDF download in exchange for their email.

Check out this page on our agency website lead widgets if you are interested in learning about how they can help you generate more website leads.

If you've been wanting a better, faster, and easier way to generate and convert your website visitors into leads, then I encourage you to read this guide.

Table of Contents

If you are like most agencies, you generate most of your leads through referrals and maybe your website.

For most agencies, generating leads from their website starts to fall apart at the point where the website visitor is being asked for their contact info in return for gated content like a video, PDF, or newsletter.

Usually, the problem with these sorts of offers is that they're not very relevant or personalized. Therefore they aren't particularly valuable or appealing to the visitor. Suppose you hand a business owner a "how-to optimize your website for SEO" report or video. In that case, you're asking them to invest time reading a generic resource and not specific to solving their needs or desired outcomes.

Our agency and thousands of others have solved this problem by connecting their lead forms or widgets with an audit offer. I'll be covering that with you in more detail next.

Offering Audits — The Easier Way to Convert Website Visitors into Leads

Offering Audits — The Easier Way to Convert Website Visitors into Leads

Embedding lead widgets on your website with an offer for a free website audit in exchange for a website visitor’s contact information can effectively generate leads on your website. You don’t have to offer a website audit; you could offer an SEO audit, a Google Business Listing (GBP) audit, a page speed audit, a landing page audit, an e-commerce audit, or whatever is relevant and of value to your website visitors. Check out the full list of audit templates and reports here.

Once set up, visitors that come to your website are presented with an audit offer they can optin for via the lead widget. You decide what fields you want them to fill out, what report to show, what data you want to show them on the report, and if you use a tool like My Web Audit then it creates a beautiful, easy-to-understand report for your leads that offers them personalized information and custom solutions. Then all you have to do is follow up to close the sale (and trust me, by that point, your leads will be eager to hire you). The whole process can be set up to be fully automated if you want a hands-off approach, or you can add steps like scheduling a call or email sequence based on your lead generation and agency sales process.

Why Audits Work So Well as a Lead-Generation Strategy

Why Audits Work So Well as a Lead-Generation Strategy

Simply place the audit widget across your website, for your visitors to exchange their contact info for their personalized audit report – and this can all be done completely hands-free for you. It’s the easiest and most effective way to gather leads from our agency site that we’ve found.

Once you start using lead widgets with an audit offer, you’ll quickly find they are a great way to generate and convert leads into customers. Here’s why audits work so well:

  • Audits provide a lot of value: You’re not handing someone a generic report. Instead, you’re giving them a custom report that shows them the exact opportunities and problems along with how to fix the issues.
  • Audits showcase your expertise: The reason why someone hires a particular web agency or freelancer is that they view them as an expert and they trust them to solve their problems or desired outcomes. A website audit that is easy to understand and includes relevant information helps showcase your expertise and builds trust.
  • Audits convert more visitors to leads: Since you’re offering a personalized report to your prospects in return for their information, you’ll get more visitors opting in for your web audit vs. the generic PDF resource or newsletter. It’s a great way to maximize your traffic and increase your conversion rates.
  • Audits save you time and money: Your team is busy enough without having to spend hours generating audits manually. Using a website lead widget that can automate the process of capturing a lead, generating an audit, and delivering it to their inbox frees up your time to focus on higher-value tasks like marketing, sales, or service fulfillment.
  • Audits make sales conversations easy: Once your lead reads or is presented with a personalized audit that identifies their specific pain points or challenges. it offers you a way to show vs. just telling them how your services can help them resolve their problems and gain a competitive advantage. There’s no need for the hard-sell tactics since they now know what is needed, and you’ve positioned yourself as the trusted expert to fix the issues you’ve identified for them.

If you are still reading this, chances are you can relate to the pain point of not generating as many leads from your website visitors as you’d like. It is why I built My Web Audit from the ground up to help us generate more leads and close more deals.

If you are wondering if our software can help you as it has thousands of other freelancers and agencies of all types, please keep reading.

High Converting Lead-Generation Widgets

High Converting Lead-Generation Widgets

Web and marketing professionals will appreciate the My Web Audit software and lead-generation widgets. This includes — web agencies, web developers, SEO professionals, freelancers, white label companies, digital marketing agencies, and more!

Here are just a few of the use cases of lead widgets and audit reports that our application supports that you can add to your website in minutes:

  • Website Audit — Capture more leads on your site by embedding a website lead widget offering visitors a way to learn the exact problems and opportunities with their website and how solving them could 2X their website leads. Our software captures the lead from your website and then generates a personalized version of this website audit report for your lead in minutes. This works great if you offer website design, development, and ongoing care plan/maintenance services.
  • Google Business Profile (GBP/GMB) Audit — Capture more leads on your site by embedding a Google Business Profile(GBP) / Google My Business (GMB) lead widget offering visitors a way to learn exactly how to optimize their Google Business Profile to boost their local rankings. Our software captures the lead from your website and then generates a personalized version of this Google Business Profile audit report for your lead in minutes. This works great if you offer local SEO or Google Business Profile optimization services.
  • On-Page SEO Audit — Capture more leads on your site by embedding an on-page SEO lead widget offering visitors a way to learn exactly what is wrong with their on-page SEO so they can rank higher, get more traffic and grow their business. Our software captures the lead from your website and then generates a personalized version of this on-page SEO audit report for your lead in minutes. This works great if you offer local SEO or Google Business Profile optimization services.
  • Landing Page Audit — Capture more leads on your site by embedding a landing page lead widget offering visitors a way to learn exactly what is wrong with their landing page and how they can convert more clicks into customers and improve their paid ads ROI. Our software captures the lead from your website and then generates a personalized version of this landing page audit report for your lead in minutes. This works great if you offer web design, paid ads, or conversion optimization services.
  • E-commerce Website Audit — Capture more leads on your site by embedding an eCommerce website lead widget offering visitors a way to learn how to engage and convert website visitors into customers. This covers an analysis from the home page to checkout. Our lead widgets allow you to capture these leads and then can use our e-commerce audit to generate a personalized version of this e-commerce website audit report for your website lead in minutes. This works great if you offer e-commerce website design, development, and ongoing care plan/maintenance services.
  • Page Speed / Performance Audit — Capture more leads on your site by embedding a website lead widget offering visitors a way to learn more about their page performance problems and how to resolve them so their site loads faster, ranks better, and increases conversions. Our software captures the lead from your website and then generates a personalized version of this website page speed/performance audit report for your lead in minutes. This works great if you offer website design, development, page speed optimization services, and ongoing care plan/maintenance services.
  • Website Accessibility Audit — Capture more leads on your site by embedding a website lead widget offering visitors a way to identify accessibility problems and how to fix them to make their webs site more accessible to people with disabilities. Our software captures the lead from your website and then generates a personalized website accessibility report for your lead in minutes. This works great if you offer website design and development services focused on helping websites with accessibility compliance.
  • ROI Report — Capture more leads on your site by embedding a website lead widget offering visitors a way to answer the question that matters the most to them. Are your services worth the investment? Our software captures the lead from your website and then generates a personalized version of this website/marketing ROI report for your lead in minutes. This works great if you offer website design, SEO, or paid marketing services.

It doesn’t matter whether you are a web freelancer, digital marketing agency, or SEO I hope you can see how these lead widgets and audit reports can help you generate more leads on your website by offering something of relevance and value to your website visitors.

Here’s How it Works (It’s Easy)

You’ll be impressed with how easy it is to set up a lead widget using our software. You can get started now in just two easy steps:

Step #1 Configure the Widget: Choose the widget type, the type of audit report you want to generate and customize it.

Step #2 Install the Widget Code: Copy and paste the embed code on your website.

That’s it! Whenever someone requests an audit, our app automatically notifies you, and based on your settings, it can event generate the audit for the lead and then notifies you. You can then determine the follow-up process based on your lead-to-sales process. Here’s our agency sales process in case you want to check it out.

Maximize Widget Placement to Generate Even More Leads

Maximize Widget Placement to Generate Even More Leads

Check out these tips and best practices to get the best results from this lead generation strategy.

If you have a smaller website, you may want to add the widget to every page on your site. If you have a bigger site, then your first step is to audit your website to determine which pages get the most traffic and where that traffic originates. You can then place the widget on these high-traffic pages, such as:

  • Your homepage.
  • Your service pages.
  • Within specific blog posts.
  • Your “About” page.
  • Thank you / download pages.

Once you know where your traffic is going on your website, then take the time to optimize these pages to get better results.

When adding a lead widget make sure it is relevant to your content. i.e. if the service or blog talks about SEO then use a lead widget for an SEO audit. Test different types of lead widgets and see. Maybe a lightbox performs better than a hello bar. Try out different calls to action as well and see if you get better results.

As mentioned, you’ll want to test the placement of the widget on the page and the text you use. However, generally, you’ll want to put it above the fold and a simple yet compelling call to action and supporting microcopy.

“2X Your Website Leads – Request your free website audit…”

“Boost your Google visibility and get more traffic – Request your free SEO audit…”

Once the widget is in place, it becomes the hardest-working “salesman” on your team as soon as a website visitor lands on your site.

Before I conclude, I wanted to show you how we recently used lead widgets and audits to generate leads and grow our agency revenue. I’ve given you the Cliff’s notes version of the strategy and process we use below. I hope you enjoy it!

Bonus: 12+ Warm Leads In 2 Hours! Follow This Process

Bonus: 12+ Warm Leads In 2 Hours! Follow This Process

Here is another way I used the website lead widget and audit offer to generate 16+ warm leads for our agency and thousands of dollars in revenue.

I presented at a conference for business owners. At the end of my presentation, I directed them to a special landing page with an offer for a website audit and consultation. I generated 12+ warm inbound leads within the first 2 hours after the event and more in the days after. Even better, it led to thousands of dollars in revenue.

You can use this strategy at networking events (local Chamber/BNI etc.) or on webinars, podcasts, and guest blogs that share your ideal target audience.

It’s an easy way to add value to the host and their audience while generating leads for your business.

Here is a quick overview of the process if you want to build out a repeatable and scalable lead generation process.

#1 — Define your ideal audience.

#2 — Determine where they spend their time. What do they read (blogs)? What do they listen to (podcasts?)? What do they watch (YouTube)? Who do they work with and or trust (LI/FB Groups/Events/Networking groups)?

#3 — Identify a way to deliver value. This could be for a guest blog, podcast host, group admin, etc. IMPORTANT — Knowing and serving the same or a similar audience is essential and helps determine how receptive the point of contact will be to sharing your content with their audience. Offer something of value, i.e., X ways for accountants to improve their GMB to get more customers or X things law firms should implement on their site to get more leads. Then stack the value by offering a free consultation and or audit for up to X audience members. Make sure the communicate the value of the offer.

#4 — Reach out. Build a process for you to connect with the people you’ve identified above and begin to reach out. Make sure to follow up intentionally. If you get a shot, make it count by delivering value and standing out from your competition.

The best part is that you don’t have to keep creating a ton of content. You can leverage the same content, i.e., webinar or podcast message, across multiple groups or podcasts.

If you are like me, most of your time and resources are focused on creating the content. Very little of your resources are spent amplifying it, leading to it being consumed by a small fraction of your ideal audience.

I’ve seen this work in my business, and if you look around, you’ll see it being done by many of the successful companies you use and know, including other agencies.

Getting More Website Leads For Your Agency Starts Here

If you want to generate close more business for your agency, then you need to generate more, higher quality leads. The best way to do that is by using the My Web Audit lead-generation widgets and software to automate the lead generation process, attract higher-quality leads, deliver value, build trust, and establish your expertise effortlessly.

Right now, there are hundreds of smart web professionals all over the globe using this widget to grow their web agencies. You can do the same by signing up today.

Have questions or want to learn about growing your agency? Join our agency FB group here.

Clifford Almeida

About Clifford Almeida

I’m a serial entrepreneur, agency owner, change-maker and globe trotter. I created My Web Audit to help web professionals generate more leads and close more deals faster.

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